Beers, Wines, Spirits in Bugibba, Qawra & St Paul’s Bay
Prices of beers, wines, spirits & tobacco in this area are generally competitive even from retailers. Most offer a very wide selection of local & foreign wines & beers. The St Paul's Bay region has plenty of outlets so there's no need to go far either.

Habits Cash & Carry, 143, Triq it-Turisti,
Bugibba SPB 1027
Are you looking for a great selection of wines, branded spirits & beers at the right prices? Then call at Habits in Turisti St next door to The Casa San Paulo. We have it all here at wholesale prices including cigarettes & tobacco, gift wrapped items & even hampers. Best prices in the local area. Open to the public Monday - Saturday til 7pm. Tel: 21585890 or 99407621.